Graham and Andrea wanted to create a winter they would remember and invited the Hog Roast Kendal team to help them complete it. For New Year 2018, they organised a huge house party, inviting all their friends and family, yet how were they ever going to afford enough food to feed everyone straight after Christmas? They found their solution in the Hog Roast Kendal.
To keep up the Christmas spirit, Graham and Andrea managed to buy masses of wine and spirits to keep their guests happy due to affordability of the Hog Roast Kendal. With the house stocked up with beverages, the couple also went the extra mile for the their guests and purchased a full show case of fireworks to create what would go on to be a fantastic surprise at midnight.

As the Hog Roast team set up inside a gazebo in the chilly garden, warming themselves on the food that started to cook, the guests arrived and were presented with glasses of wine by their host. The team quickly cooked up some quality food and served it fresh to their anticipating guests. With all the guests crammed in the couple’s living room and kitchen, the Hog Roast was a welcomed event and kept all the guests toasty warm against the winter chill outside. The smell of the slow-roasted meat filled the house and complimented the red wine that was passed around.
Once the Hog Roast had been polished off and the plates cleared away, Graham and Andrea led their guests into the garden to show case their fireworks display. As the clock struck midnight, and 2019 dawned, the couple’s fireworks erupted into life and filled the sky with the magnificent display, pleased the already happy guests.
The couple thanked the Hog Roast team many times over the everyone praised them for their efforts in the chilly weather and the brilliant contribution they made to the party. Without the Hog Roast team, Graham and Andrea would not have been able to host their fantastic party as they would not have been able to make enough food to serve to them all.